So, you think God is too simple to have Created life eleswhere?
Oh, no…the dreaded “So…,” almost always followed by accusing someone of thinking or expressing something not remotely resembling what they actually said or expressed.
I am contemptuous of the “So” game.
So, you think God is too simple to have Created life eleswhere?
= = =
OK, He did.
And were they given free will?
And did they sin?
And were they sent a Savior?
Is this God trying again after failure on Earth?
Or does He create failing life over and over, to save it over and over?
Or maybe He created a life that did not sin. Does He love them more than we sinners?
God set up the Universe so life would be here. That does NOT mean that life could be anywhere else. No way to tell unless we go out there and find it.
Personally, I think that in a Finite Universe (Religion and Science agree that there was a start) someone HAS to be first. We are here, ergo, without other proof, we are it.
I’ll wait for the proof before I agree that there is other civilizations out there.