My sister in law is going through that right now (Remdesivir protocol). She is being put back into the ICU right now, had covid after a kidney infection, got “covid pneumonia” had a blood clot in lung, O2 sat around 80, now she has a bleed somewhere internal that they think has stopped after they pulled the blood thinners.
The “science” being followed is pseudo-science.
The real crappy thing is that she is at the one hospital in the area that does monoclonal antibody treatment and no one bothered to mention it to her when she first tested positive for coronavirus and started having symptoms.
They are keeping the lifesaving Regeneron a secret. I know someone who was told to get the treatment and was scared. She thought it was a bad thing.
I had covid a few weeks ago. I did go to the doctor to get some Prednisone to get out ahead of the bronchitis I get with every illness. He told me he didn’t think much of Ivermectin, which I was already taking to great success.
I had to ask about Regeneron, which he said he liked and wrote me a scrip for the treatment. By the time I got it, I was healed up enough from the Ivermectin that it had little effect.
Was she vaxed? I didn’t notice in your post.