Posted on 12/03/2021 4:51:43 PM PST by ChicagoConservative27
Too much cheating went on in those states and near as I can tell it has not been corrected.
Governors like Kemp in Georgia?
That Woman from Michigan is thinking :”I’m Melting!!”
Getting rid of the odious Whitmer in Michigan?
Feet, control yourselves and stop dancing until it happens.
Michigan FReeper
Cook is non-partisan in the same way all the polls they rely upon are non-partisan.
I think WI governor race cheating when Evers won over Walker was a test run for the cheating in 2020, so the Democrats will certainly not let Evers lose.
When the alternative is Stacey Abrahms, yes.
Kemp is a dick, but there will be a primary.
The Republicans should be talking about these states more. We can’t win in 2024 if they elect Democrats or RINOS.
His support is lukewarm at best.
Conversely, Stacy Abrams has built a machine to pump out Democrat votes.
This is a mobile voting location run by Fulton County. It runs through Black neighborhoods registering people and then taking votes.
Believe me, you'll never see these in the predominately white & conservative northern part of Fulton County, but they will be ubiquitous in the rest of Fulton.
Local governments like Fulton County have become arms of the Democrats.
If we take Oregon I’ll figuratively eat my proverbial hat.
I think the others are at least doable
If I’m a Democrat I’m not worried. When you control the counting, what’s there to worry about?
When its the liberals turn they make up as many votes late at night as necessary to win.
Occasionally the state machine runs a worthless RINO and the locals get all giddy for a chance to vote for a “REAL CONSERVATIVE!” that jacks around, mostly does nothing except “be reasonable” and eventually screw us over.
When Chesterton said “...and they deserve to get it good and hard,” he must have been talking about Wisconsin Republicans.
The GOP picked up 12 Guv seats in 1994.
I know a lot are focused on the House and Senate races but these governorships are critical. With Republicans installed in those states, it would be possible to pass real election integrity laws which would prevent something like the Steal from ever happening again. That’s obviously vital for 2024.
“Picking up eight seats would be unbelievable.”
Can’t hurt, but last time that happened (in 1994) we wound up with a bunch of Chamber of Commerce Republicans, so not much changed at the state level. Hopefully we’re a bit more careful this time.
What about Chamber of Commerce Republicans you don’t like? They love immigration, cheap labor and hate unions. You and them are one.
“What about Chamber of Commerce Republicans you don’t like? They love immigration, cheap labor and hate unions. You and them are one.”
Shove it. One doesn’t have to support Communist Unions, as you do, to not be a CoC Republican.
Hey misguided fool. I don’t support unions. I just don’t hate unions more than I love the USA.
“Hey misguided fool. I don’t support unions. I just don’t hate unions more than I love the USA.”
Nice try. You spend virtually all of your time here attacking people who oppose our Communist-run labor unions and then claim to not support them. Spare us - we’re not that stupid.
If you LOVED the USA, you would be like just about everyone else here and NOT defend our unions who tax their workers to finance the Democrat Party. They are INDEFENSIBLE for any legit conservative.
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