Ahead? Subjective... As far as technology advancement? Hard to say. Racing towards deployment of a marginally effective system? Sure, maybe we’re a little behind the curve. But I’d hazard a guess the tech we’re bringing to the fight is better. Hopefully we get there in time. Well, truly, hopefully we don’t need it but...
tech made in china. Complete with backdoors.
“But I’d hazard a guess the tech we’re bringing to the fight is better.”
The Clintons and Obama gave away our most advanced hypersonic, laser, electronic, propulsion, cyber, etc... weapons technology through the Skolkovo project.
Freepers were once really tracked this treasonous damage.
See —
The DOD, US Army, FBI, and a number of Congress and Senate members warned, or were in shock of what happened, but did nothing to stop the intentional proliferation to Russia of US weapons and cyber system technology, (Russia since 2010 also having its strongest ties to any Chinese leader since backing Mao in 1922).
It made U-1 (which also involved $5.5 Billion dollars in *Iraqi Tuwaitha “yellow cake” repatriation or acquisition back to Russia from Canada), where we had shipped it between 2004 to late 2008.
Skolkovo (on the outskirts of Northeast Moscow), was also wired by the some of the most advanced and dedicated fiber backbone in the world (partially and carefully funded by Soros shell companies through Eastern EU) which carefully weave through multiple countries to Frankfurt (and then on to all major financial centers of the EU, and including NATO), through Wiesbaden, and interestingly include Southwest HQ’d Paragon Technologie GmbH
Systemprogrammierung (the Russian owner of SCYTL)
Leo-Wohleb-Straße 8
79098 Freiburg/Germany
Icon Map -
“But I’d hazard a guess the tech we’re bringing to the fight is better.”
The Clintons and Obama gave away our most advanced hypersonic, laser, electronic, propulsion, cyber, etc... weapons technology through the Skolkovo project.
Freepers were once really tracking this treasonous damage. Although some M of BJ the official congressional record has been removed, as well as the original Army report.
See —
The DOD, US Army, FBI, and a number of Congress and Senate members warned, or were in shock of what happened, but did nothing to stop the intentional proliferation to Russia of US weapons and cyber system technology, (Russia since 2010 also having its strongest ties to any Chinese leader since backing Mao in 1922).
It made U-1, which also involved $5.5 Billion dollars in *Iraqi Tuwaitha “yellow cake” repatriation or acquisition back to Russia from Canada, (where we had shipped it between 2004 to late 2008), look like child’s play.
Skolkovo (on the outskirts of Northeast Moscow), was also wired by the some of the most advanced, dedicated, and insulated fiber backbone in the world (partially and carefully funded by a number of Soros shell companies through Eastern EU) which carefully weave through multiple countries, and to Frankfurt (and then on to all major financial centers of the EU, and including NATO), through Wiesbaden, and interestingly include Southwest HQ’d Paragon Technologie GmbH
Systemprogrammierung (the Russian owner of SCYTL) in Leo-Wohleb-Straße 8
79098 Freiburg/Germany
Icon Map -