Sleazy Mc A’s defeat was sweet.......but the complete sweep of the state made it extra sweet.
Especially since he brought in all the top Dems....Bidung and Obummer.....the Black Mack truck Stacy and even drJill was there drawing a measly crowd of 25 including her S/s detail of 12.
Mc A’s biggest mistake was incessantly mentioning Trump.
That triggered lots of parental voters into voting against did teacher unionist Randi Weingarten’s hostile speech.
Harris too... I'm guessing if Youngkin had brought in Trump and other Republicans and LOST - the little press toadies would still be running that story. But when McAwful brings in Obama and a boatload of top level democrats AND still loses - we hear crickets on the issue from the corrupt press. How disgusting the 'press' has become...