Posted on 10/29/2021 11:08:02 PM PDT by algore
PHOENIX — Nearly five years after Joe Arpaio was voted out as sheriff of Arizona’s most populous county, taxpayers are covering one of the last major bills from the thousands of lawsuits the lawman’s headline-grabbing tactics inspired.
Officials in Maricopa County agreed last week to pay $3.1 million to cover a settlement with a restaurant owner who alleged Arpaio defamed him and violated his rights when raiding his businesses.
The payout takes to $100 million the attorney fees, settlements and other costs the county has paid from lawsuits stemming from Arpaio’s six terms.
Arpaio says jail operators are often the targets of lawsuits, and given he was sheriff 24 years “$100 million is not unreasonable.”
Not sure I want know though
Those Assistant Democrats can sit and spin.
Is the “Legal” System f’d or what?
When Leftist activists sue you en masse (which they did to Joe) it is cheaper to settle than to fight each and every case to the bitter end.
I lived in the region back in the early 90s for a while. I’d say for every super-positive thing that Arpaio did...there’s also a fairly crappy thing that he did without thinking or grasping. But I’d blame local prosecutors for not coming forward to charge him or his staff along the way. At least once a month, he’d have some type of ‘show/circus’ raid, which was more about public attention than being a regular raid.
One day...someone is going to package this era for a mini-series on TV.
abc hitpiece on Joe Arpaio
I have no idea about what went on.
Sheriff Joe certainly provided no shortage of entertainment.
$hithole Cities Run By Leftists
I lived in Scottsdale during the mid 80s - the greater Phoenix area sucked back then - before the Cali libtards took over making it much more like LA these days. (My ultra liberal sister is still there. The one I never speak to.)
Yeah, I know there are conservatives in the Valley of the Sun, just no longer the majority.
It was the fault of crooked Democrat judges who awarded the money.
Plugs the Pedo is going to leave us $100 TRILLION in debt along with unfunded liabilities. A small skyscraper costs $100 million. Hmm, which one is worse ?
The people of Maricopa County should ask themselves these questions:
* Were they safer under Sheriff Joe than they are now, esp. from illegal alien criminals?
* Are they satisfied with the elections corruption in Maricopa County?
* Would you trust your daughter to a Maricopa Democrat official?
That’s chicken feed to what Sleepy46 wants to give EVERY illegal - $450,000. Every one! FYJB!
Democrats enjoy suing a even Democratic administrations because it’s a way to force government into funding a constituency and permanently change policy without going through making laws.
Every major local sheriff and police agency has the problem of deputies or officers who violate legal requirements, often with the use of excessive force causing death or injuries. The result is that sheriffs and police departments get sued and have to fight and then pay valid claims. Even worse though would be if misconduct by law enforcement went unsanctioned and the victims uncompensated because there was no recourse through the legal system.
This is why Soros is going to be giving money to local news organizations. They are worse than national news in their support of the left.
This is not a hit piece by the network ABC. This is reporting by a local Arizona station ABC 15. If you go to their channel you will see that they have a very long record of exposing government corruption in Arizona. They’ve exposed many police abuses especially the recent one in Glendale where a man was shocked in his testicles by an abusive thug with a badge.
Overall I am also a fan of Arpaio. Regardless of my feelings for the sheriff it does not excuse abuses and it is responsible reporting on the part of this particular news station to talk about the costs involved with his terms as sheriff.
I recommend you check out the ABC 15 YouTube channel to get a better picture of their overall reporting. They’re actually a very good channel.
God Bless Joe Arpaio
Why do we let foreign nationals use their money to influence elections ?
Something about that doesn’t sound right, but I cannot quite put my finger on it.
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