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To: All; bray

“The Sunday Morning Bray”, by Bray!

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.
Proverbs 9:10 (King James Version)

The Braindead Joe regime is doing to the oil industry what it has done for Covid. While people are dying in big numbers from their weakened immune system, they are suffering with the highest gas prices since the Obama years with its new normal of 1% growth. America has seen their gas prices skyrocket nearly double since Trump’s booming economy. America has not seen this level of economic destruction and retaliation in our lifetimes.

The Communist Party wants to kill America economically as well as physically. They have declared all out war on America and feel they are so superior they can make a country which will be more aware like they are. This from some of the most unaware people on the planet and have as much compassion for you as they do for a baby in the womb. Remember they are having protests against states who pass laws protecting babies from their scissors to the brains of these inhuman creatures.

Just like the cult of the useless mask and vax, the Communist cult pushes a barbaric ritual under the guise of choice and a useless fetus. They eliminate the humanity of the baby and use a term which makes it sound like a useless blob, similar to what they do to their enemies. The babies and their supporters are standing in the way of progress and freedom of the poor helpless mother.

Never mind a disproportionate number of these mothers are black and have been brainwashed into believing this is not a living being worthy of being kept alive. They all want to argue it is not a human being when of course it is but is not the issue. The issue is it is a living being from the time of conception until it dies whether this happens inside or outside of the womb. From the time the egg and sperm come together life is created and will grow into a human being until it dies.

Now these same people who protest anytime people want to save the lives of these tiniest of humans are telling America they care about people surviving Covid. The same politicians who would never vote to save a baby even with a gun to their collectivist heads, are lecturing America they are locking you up to save your lives. Why would they care more about your life than they do about the tiny infant?

The Democrat Socialist Party is nearly as concerned about the least of these as they are about you. They want all of those people dead as soon as possible which is why you are seeing their lies being exposed and the truth is being revealed more and more every day. The heartbeat bill has exposed these Molech worshipers as the monsters they truly are. To be outraged a state would recognize a heartbeat is life and worth saving puts these people at an entirely different level of inhumanity, yet they celebrate these deaths.

They also celebrate your death. Oh, they claim to care about the elderly and youts when in reality, anyone who is not them is worth vilifying and killing. The UK is reporting people who have had the shot are between 100-140% more likely to get the Covid and die than non-vaxers. This was reported by the UK Healthcare as well as similar results beginning to come out from Israel. Most likely what is being reported by America’s CDC is cooking their books to make it look like the vax is working when in reality it is just the opposite it is destroying immunity systems so the common cold can kill them. But they care about your health.

The same cult believes in worshiping the eart which is where the Global Warming fraud has been pushed. This is a direct attack on the lifeblood of the economy which is low cost and plentiful fuel. Fuel is the real gold standard of the economy everything transacted is based on how much fuel goes into it. The more cost to those energy units the more it costs, and the less people can afford.
This is a simple formula but is directly connected to the cost of everything you buy. When you raise the price of gas you have raised the price of everything double. This is what we are seeing with the hyperinflation and the CCP’s answer was to stop drilling permits in Alaska, to save the caribou but not you.

This is going to be a huge strain on women and children as well as the elderly with fixed incomes who have been suffering for the past two years. This cult leads to emptiness, depression and suicide and they know it yet keep pushing it. In their Molech world the more suicide the better. We have entered a country run by a satanic cult and his followers outshout the rest of the country. Christians outnumber them but do not out-shout them.

The Satanists want America on her knees and dying. Lady Liberty’s torch is starting to shine again, and her tears are slowing. The death of America is their greatest goal and are doing everything to make it happen. Her torch is being shone brightly on their plans vs what they say they are doing. Every time someone fills their tank, they question the value of Global Warming and the Party dogma which is pushing this insanity. Science has been proven to be false and a weapon for the Communist Party which exposes both completely. There is only one God, and they are NOT him.

Pray for America

Note: The above opinion is not necessarily my own, but FReeper Bray’s. If you wish to discuss this, please ping Bray.

5 posted on 10/24/2021 4:58:36 AM PDT by Alas Babylon! (Rush, we're missing your take on all of this!)
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To: All
• Morning AB, All. As always, thank you AB for doing this thread so reliably and keeping the peace with gentle thread policing. Thank you Bray for weekly written wisdom, Thank you RG for your fabulous pictures. Thank all yon contributors for excellent commentary to flesh it all out.

• Below are the words from my daily political diary. It is quite long so scroll on by if not interested. But do stay around and add your commentary and point of view to the thread.

Daily Miscellany

Thoughts and flashes of brilliance that enter my head from nowhere.

Enjoy.  Or abhor, depending on the effect of my "wisdom".

The Garland Congressional Questioning

We all should say our prayers that Merrick Garland never made it to the Supreme court.

The man is a filthy liar and if that sounds a little tough, then so be it.

His daughter is married to a man who is making a fortune from selling text books on CRT (Critical Race Theory), the liberals' current favorite culture change.  Somewhere there are pictures of this man in bed with a girl scout or maybe smoking crack with Hunter Biden.

As he was interviewed, why the man knew nothing about a letter sent out by the DOJ stating that if there is yelling or threats or nastiness at any school board meetings across the land that the FBI will be on it and possible charges of domestic terrorism will be filed.

All this over loud voices at a school board meeting?

And get this, when asked by a Republican congress critter (of course) how he found out about the problems at school board meetings across the land he said it was because of a letter submitted by some big national teachers' organization.

I can't stand Merrick Garland.  He is obviously one who lies and somebody has something on the guy.

Again, what idiot nominated him for the Supreme court?
Brian Laundrie Found

As of this writing it has not been made clear whether the body parts recently found in some swamp in Florida belongs to the wonderful Brian Laundrie or not.  Note-as of THIS writing the body has been determined to be Brian Laundrie.

It's a confusing story.  Allegedly the parents led the search and identified the backpack and other items found as belonging to Brian.  It is also alleged that the same area had been, until recently, under water.

What a wild and mixed up story this is.  Did Brian commit suicide?  Did his parents help him in this endeavor?  How did the parents know where to find the body and personal items?

To all those complaining about such intense interest in the Laundrie/Petito true crime, if this is Brian's body know that it will be all over soon.  If Brian Launderie is dead....well then no need for a trial.
Colin Powell Died

Once upon a time I greatly admired Colin Powell.
He served in the military.  He supported the Gulf War.  He spoke before the UN about weapons of mass destruction.  He was a Republican.

But something happened to Powell as he got older, got more respect and value for his support.  

My memory of Colin Powell is that, for the right fee, he could be bought.  He supported Barack Obama over John McCain.  How could an army guy think more of Obama than McCain?  

Well.....for the right amount of money.....

May he rest in peace.
Christopher Steele

Below, from Byron York on

The big question is, why is Steele still pushing the dossier? First, it's difficult for someone to admit that the accomplishment for which he is best known was a fraud. But second, it's because Steele is still in the anti-Trump business, and Trump is still in politics. So business could pick up in the coming months and years. If so, Steele will be ready. "The problems we identified back in 2016 haven't gone away and arguably have actually got worse," Steele said. "And I thought it was important to come and set the record straight."

I usually post this compilation on FreeRepublic, on the Sunday Morning Talk Show Thread.  And, as these things go sometimes, you get someone who joins the thread in process and complains about the political Sunday Talk Shows and how useless they are.

However, this guy, the famous Christopher Steele, showed up on a political talk show, This Week with George Stephanopolous , we have he who master-minded the story of Trump and something about peeing on the bed.

It's no matter what this liar asserted on this show, my main point to those who say the Sunday Political Talk Shows are a waste of time that go on.  The guest appearance of Christopher Steels has been on the news all week.
FreeRepublic Fundraiser

Keep this web site going.

Throw a few bucks in the bowl and keep FreeRepublic alive with the freedom of speech the liberals so desperately want to take away.



Yes I am a fly and yes I also Blog.  I tend to wander around among the politicians and hear their conversation.  Because I am a fly beneficial to humanity, I share that which I hear. Bear in mind my spelling.  I am, after all, only a fly.

The Vaccine Discussion

It was such an insightful conversation though I hesitate to share it with human readers.  For I have suspicion that the spider is ...well he's not really a spider.  I really dislike it when they hint that I might also not be real.  Though any fool can see that I am a real fly.

"I don't understand these humans.  Why on earth did they elect Joe Biden?" the spider whispered to me one day as this real fly munched on crumbs while the spider was busy building a web.

"Some say Biden wasn't really elected," I said to the spider in response, surprised that a spider was talking to me.

"First he opens up the borders so anybody who wants to can enter the country illegally," the spider whispers.  I sit surprised that this spider knew so much, even more than me.

"Then he stops building the wall and the gas pipeline so that gas has to be imported from Saudi Arabia at triple what it was," the spider continued to my admiration of how much he knew about human politics.  "Then, of course, it's that human virus thing and now we have all the human goods sitting on ships in various harbors, not delivered as the shelves sit bare," the spider then ended and took a big breath and finished off a pretty thread in his web.

"He's doing everything he can to bring down America.  I don't know why the humans let him do this. but hey, I can always spin a web," the spider finished than continued working on his web and left me alone to ponder.

So I ask yon human readers.....Why do you allow your leader to ruin your wonderful country?  Even us flies would get rid of other flies that would destroy our happy lives.

I hope to see the spider again.

6 posted on 10/24/2021 5:02:08 AM PDT by Fishtalk
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To: bray
Brilliant as usual bud.

Those who are behind the destruction of a once great nation,the cabal, doing the bidding of the Godless Illuminati who have been in charge for centuries and now headed by satanists like falsi and Gates are looking to lower the population count from 7 or 8 billion to 500 million. This means a lot of people have to die.

How do you accomplish that you create a virus that has a dozen forms and than create bio-weapons sold as vaccines. They have done all this worked on it for years had the help of the intel community and those that they work for as well. The result was basically stimulated by getting rid the ultimate patriot we have had in decades President Donald Trump.

Hopefully Trump is not done yet and will reemerge.this all remains to be seen.

Earlier this week I penned a few paragraphs to summarize whats going on and what i would like to see go on.its here: I even gave it a name:


President Trump wants us to wait until at least 80% of the country understands what is going on under communist rule. I don't know if we hit 80% or not. Whats more I don't care! That's a lofty goal. What I do know however is that it's time to end the experiment of a dual presidency!!

The economy, just like a failing airliner, is taking a nose dive from 30,000 feet to 10,000' and the trajectory is downward at an ever increasing angle.

History is being erased almost weekly. Our education system has been slowly sabotaged for decades now to a point where kids won't even be challenged any more. Worse yet they are socially promoted from grade to grade. The emphasis will be on more safe zones for devastated college students who can't even spell capitalism much less understand it. Maybe they need to go stand in the corner and cry along with their professors. Oh I forgot,the professors are too busy writing textbooks that will sell for $500.

The car market it upside down since the supply train for everything that is made all over the world barley exists.Ships are at anchor worldwide waiting for a birth to unload cargoes and put them on the road to their destinations. Once the shift away from capitalism to communism went into overtime nothing seems to work any more.

Open borders creating new dem/rat voters was a terrible idea brought to you by terrible people once again the dem/rats.Time it was ended and the border wall was finished.

You can't buy a boat an outboard motor or much of anything. Much less get any of it fixed!! Since there are no more parts or enough mechanics to get the job done!

The govt. has hired 100k IRS agents to suck the last dime out of anyone who puts over 10 grand in the bank in a year. That's $800 a month,$200 a week, did they leave anyone out? So much for taxing the rich.

It's more like confiscation of all wealth for the sake of big govt. so the new green wave of BS can fill the pockets of the favored. Those who make products that don't work all that well.

Other than the electric car which still has a sh_t load of problems the green tech is money down a rat hole. We have giant windmills either blowing up or killing off flocks of birds or not working when the wind doesn't blow for a week at a time. Talk about idiocy. The only thing worse would be a huge solar panel eating up valuable real estate on a rainy day.

Our laws,constitution, bill of rights, mayors, House, Senate, all are fast becoming bad jokes with the insane laws the commie-dems pass. Whomever thought the FBI would be tasked to take on housewives that protest their kids being taught critical race theory instead of math,science or the forgotten history of the country and the world.

I think we have had more than our fair share of Brandon and his buddy Corn Pop. These clowns have caused us so much grief the experiment in a dual presidency should be ended! The rightful air to the presidency of the U.S. Donald J.Trump needs to return:and soon.

We need you back sir:

16 posted on 10/24/2021 5:30:48 AM PDT by rodguy911 ((FR:home of the free because of the Brave---),ITS ALL A CONSPIRACY: UNTIL IT'S NOT)
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To: Alas Babylon!; bray
They eliminate the humanity of the baby and use a term which makes it sound like a useless blob, similar to what they do to their enemies.

Heard something I never thought about before. Pro-choice advocates aka as abortion supporters declare that a woman has the right to decide what happens to her body, but a fetus (baby) is not part of her body, it has a different, unique DNA. Biology 101.

52 posted on 10/24/2021 6:41:14 AM PDT by kabar
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