1. The survival rate of “Covid” is over 99%. Government medical experts went out of their way to underline, from the beginning of the pandemic, that the vast majority of the population are not in any danger from Covid.
Will be Interesting to see (provided we ever get honest results told to us) what the survival rate and injury rate of vaccines for covid are, are they less than 99%? Looks like they are killing and maiming people too. Are injuries greater than 1%? 2%?
It might turn out to be riskier to take the vaccine tha it is to contract covid for the average person. We may find out that only the sick or elderly should have been offered vaccines.
What are the long term effects of covid vaccines? Do they lower your resistance to other viruses now? Will more f8lks,folks, drop,dead to other viruses that they normal,y would have survived if they hadn’t had the vaccine for covid? These are things that are yet to be determined. There seems to be evidence that covid vaccines make you more vulnerable to variants, even to covid original itself.