The Comintern, the Communist International, was established in Moscow in 1919, two years after the Bolsheviks seized power.
The Soviet Union was all about spreading Communism worldwide. Nguyen Sinh Cung attended Comintern training in 1923; we called him Ho Chi Minh.
Pelham I give up.
Freepers weaned on Beck and Sean
Actually think Nazi Germany was socialist like the Soviet Union only more nationalist
Nazi Germany was a police state no question
But there was probably less public ownership of private production and capital in Nazi Germany than here today
They were the first country to institute large scale privatization of state utilities and resource and industrial entities the world had ever seen
Private ownership of farms and homes was ubiquitous
Nothing whatsoever like Stalin except gestapo and hegemony foreign policy
Why are people so gullible and uninformed here
Problem is right wing can go astray.....a little fact. ignored here
Which is worse ..this canard...or the all Dems are the same from Thomas Jefferson and Hickory to Maxine and AOC
Same cloth....such horseshit and ignorance
I swear this all started Beck and his stupid blackboards on Faux