“God and Man at Yale” the first grown-up book I ever read... with pocket dictionary in hand...
People will liken this to the Era of George III pre-revolution. The problem with that comparison is the colonists had one thing we don't have in great quantity. And that is Faith.
Mark 8:36
For what shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his soul?
Now carry that attitude into the classrooms, kids. Drive those hyper-leftist professors crazy. Eventually drive them right out of the school altogether. Don’t leave out the administrators, either. Cleanse your schools from top to bottom.
As far the “F Joe Biden” chants are concerned, they’re the only reason to support college sports. If you’re feel you have to support woke anti-American institutions, at least mock and ridicule their icons.
Love it!!! The Cruise Ship Conservatives will need the fainting couch.
This drives the left nuts!!! Good enough for me!
....lol, after 20 years, or thereabouts, I’m thinking of changing my tagline to “FJB”..............