Posted on 09/09/2021 7:50:23 AM PDT by Callahan
Howard Stern takes no pity on his peers.
The iconic shock jock has typically strong opinions about the swelling list of outspoken anti-vaxxer media personalities — including several US radio hosts — who’ve died of COVID-19 after waging high-profile campaigns about their “freedom” being impinged upon.
“When are we going to stop putting up with the idiots in this country and just say, you know, it’s mandatory to get vaccinated?” Stern ranted in Tuesday’s episode of “The Howard Stern Show” on Sirius XM. “F–k them, f–k their freedom. I want my freedom to live. I want to get out of the house already. I want to go next door and play chess. I want to go take some pictures.”
The 67-year-old “King of All Media” continued to mock the deceased right-wing radio hosts, taking particular pleasure in pointing out how many of the dead — at first proudly defiant — changed their tunes on their death beds.
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wokey wokey
I never liked the obscene bi-sexual commie bastard.
You were promised two weeks to flatten the curve. Then it was “if you are vaccinated, you have your freedom”. What about that, Stern, you asshat?!
This “fsck your freedom” refrain is being repeated. They want us conditioned to think that we’re not free.
Is it possible to die of ignorance? Stern appears to want to test that theory.
It is a shame the conservative radio hosts are dropping like flies. Doesn’t bode well for the future in radio.
Listened to him for years. He gradually got more woke, more political and more insane. Haven’t listened to him since about 2months into Trumps Presidency. It was that bad.
Howard—take off that clownish wig if you want to be taken seriously. Otherwise you’re just a clown.
What about the radio hosts who died but were vaccinated? They never get mentioned or if they are it is due to the unvaccinated.
Fu*k Lisa Shaw too, then right? She took the VAXX and died and is a radio host. Err.... was a radio host...
Many people just go online now instead.
There’s plenty of podcasts or YouTube videos.
Stern thinks Hillary is wonderful. That’s all you need to know.
Who was that?
Stern is stupid as usual. If he wants his freedom to live, take the treatment. Its just that simple.
oh... you mean the treatment doesn’t work?
so why does the other guy have to get the treatment that doesn’t work to save you? How does that work?
typical leftist inability to reason.
How Howie, you worthless part of the sheeple heard. The “vaccines” don’t work... They are a dismal failure! The CDC had to change their definition of what a vaccine is last month or they could no longer have been called “vaccines”. If the vaccines worked you would have nothing to fear from the “unvaccinated”.
In order for Howard Stern to have his “freedom to live”, we must all be inoculated.
He's not the only one..
One of Stern's fellow travelers right here on Free Republic
And yes, I'm calling it out, because its a scumbag attitude.
This guy needs to be held down and have his entire body shaved, and then de-loused.
F*** his freedom.
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