Of course this is the _former_ US Ambassador.
The current US ambassador is busy celebrating the victory of their glorious leader Bidet.
A group of citizens vs non citizens should be treated differently. Americans first.
“Not acceptable!”
Everytime I hear that I think: “What a wimpy response.”
Heard a guy from the WaComPost of all places say there were more than 200 American trained female judges in Afghanistan. These women judges have sentenced taliban members for crimes over the years and had them put in jail.
The women judges never got out of the country. The taliban criminals were released from prison during the takeover.
You figure out the rest.
In a week or 2 they won’t even be reporting on the atrocities anymore, and Biden will plod along like nothing ever happened. But when w repubicN is accused of something not even a 10th as horrible, they bet driven out of office.
Caught a fewfew minutes of Bret Bair u fortunate,y this morning, and he and ilk were practically defending Biden. Our side just doesn’t have the number of powerful news stations to counter the ,efts bs
The whole pussy-hat brigade has been awfully quiet lately.
What about the seven busloads of American women grabbed up by the TB a couple of days ago? Was that fake news?