With each jab you get a travel voucher good for one free trip to a funeral parlor.
We have relatives in Kentucky—no way we are visiting them while they are under fascist occupation.
Bribery is illegal except when the government does it, more specifically when democrat party government does it.
A better incentive would be a one-way bus ticket out of Kentucky.
I’d rather get that audit and investigation going on how the little Dicktater Beshear got cheated into office with his own fraudulent election.
Ahhhhh..a Vaxxation.
Post card idea: Try Kentucky When you Needle little shot of fun.
All the gifts and incentives for the COVID injection are just a monkey bait to trap fools.
In the spirit of bipartisanship they should offer Mitch McConnell t-shirts for Kentuckians since Mitch has fully endorsed full vaccination.
“I got jabbed for Mitch”
might be a good slogan for the shirts although some of you out there have better slogans I’m sure.
Another moronic policy.
This sort of thing is not why people get or do not get vaccines...and will have zero effect.
How about a free cemetery plot, coffin, burial service, and after funeral brunch for the relatives?
They’re trying to drum up business for the local funeral home.