The whole point of these arrests and trials and hearings is so they can keep repeating the narrative about “rioters being stirred up by President Trump’s false claims of a fraudulent election”.
The more people they convict the more times they can repeat their narrative.
The clever part is that they are getting these protesters to agree to the narrative themselves in exchange for a reduced sentence.
In this case, the judge is offering leniency on the basis that the couple was “mislead” by President Trump’s “false claims”.
I wonder what their sentences would have been if they had corrected the judge and said they believed that the election was stolen - not because Trump claimed it - but because any idiot could see that it was stolen.
The charges against the people just walking through the Capitol are so onerous that if they do not plead guilty to some minor charge then they could spend several years even many years, in jail. Having seeing what our so-called justice system does, I can understand their guilty plea.