Here’s some more info to soak up: every single states in the US is reporting that over 99% of the people dying from COVID-19 are unvaccinated. Every single state. Red states, blue states, all seeing the exact same thing.
Observable reality is real no matter what narrative some people want to push. Don’t buy into the nonsense; just look for the simple facts and draw your own conclusions.
How about these facts?
Hmm. Who to believe. You or the scientist.
So I guess YOU BELIEVE everything being reported to you NO skepticism what so ever with data being reported REALLY?? I have had TWO people in my very close circle of friends pass away from this vaccine SORRY but I have NO confidence in a damn thing being reported they are PUSHING this vaccine AND have absolutely no reason to give data OR report the truth of negative data!! Since WHEN did you begin to trust the media or government reporting???
Several people have posted the statistic that 99% of people who are dying were unvaccinated. However, this number is entirely misleading since it starts the reporting long before the population was largely vaccinated. It matters when you start the reporting. Sure, this 99% number is possible, if you count everyone from the time COVID first came on the scene and before these “vaccines” were available. Even when the vaccine became first available, COVID was spreading at high levels, yet most people did not have access to the vaccine. Yet, these people who were dying then even though the vaccine was technically on the market, were counted as unvaccinated.
The question everyone should be asking is when did the sampling start? The only way of having a good idea of the effectiveness of the vaccine is to take a snapshot of who is dying (vaccinated or not) and compare this to the percentage of the population is vaccinated vs. those who are not.
This 99% number is so entirely and purposefully misleading. It might be that it lowers the death rate. But let’s be real about that stats. The reason many of us aren’t getting vaccinated is that we cannot trust any entity (Government, media, big pharma, big tech) that pushes the vaccine using false and misleading information or stands to gain politically or financially from doing so.
Give it up already. Nobody here believes your constant bullsh!t.