The term “ugly American” usually refers to American tourists who don’t respect the customs and culture of countries being visited. It seems American Embassies and Consulates can now be included in the definition for “ugly Americans.”
Correct, as for the origin of the term describing American Foreign Travelers starting in the late 1950's.
I also agree with your second sentence.
Without sarcasm I would like to offer that the "Ugly American" tourist was NOT Joe Average middle class and wife using the advantage of American Exceptionalism to visit the world, but rather the Elite "Intellectual" Liberal Socialist know-it-alls connected to Leftist "Education", "Foundations", Yellow Journalist Newspapers, Democrats and Federal alphabet bureaucracies that fouled everything they touched and EARNED the title Ugly American.
A little Marxism applied from 1900 through 1920 and on, goes a LONG way.