It may not be a scandal, as in frenzied, non-stop public and media attention.
But it’s a friggin’ outrage for those paying attention.
Google is an enemy of the American people, and the United States.
This is true, but its MUCH bigger than 'google is the enemy'. Google is but a finger on one of the hands of the 'derp state', 'cabal', whatever you want to call it.
Google has its role to play, just as Amazon, Facebook, YouTube, fake news, entertainment media, etc. do.
That role is the suppression of true information and the dissemination of the derp state 'narrative'.
They do not do these things merely for their own individual interest. They are a network with derp state elements all across the world, both government and private. We must top thinking of Google and the rest as individual entities. They're all part of the same blob of world dominating evil.
You talk about 'conspiracy theories'? This is the real McCoy and the grandaddy of all 'conspiracy theories'. This is what the term 'conspiracy theory' was intended to keep from people knowing.