Can you imagine paying the kind of money these schools cost to be told your little white child is a racist oppressor, your little black child is too dumb to add 2 and 2 and get 4, or your little Asian child is a victim until they succeed, then they magicaly become a “white adjacent” perpetrator?
Oh yeah, and also that maybe they aren’t really a boy or a girl, and they should all learn to masturbate in 1st grade?
Well...we taxpayers have been and are currently paying our local and state governments on the average of $20,000-30,000 per student every year for exactly the same kinds of indoctrination.
And yet we still enroll our kids in these leftist centers and now to their “educational” agendas.
It’s in the overwhelming majority of public school systems and that includes the heartland and “conservative” red states.
If you really want the upcoming generations to u do the decades of Marxist indoctrination, we have to make an impact and change the tide of what we have allowed.
We either need to sacrifice and pull our kids out immediately And use other far superior methods of education or we just need to admit we are too selfish and will hope for the best.