Let me guess. 2 more weeks.
“The Chinese Restaurant” is the 11th episode of the sitcom Seinfeld's second season on NBC, and is the show's 16th episode overall.
The episode revolves around protagonist Jerry (Jerry Seinfeld) and his friends Elaine Benes (Julia Louis-Dreyfus) and George Costanza (Jason Alexander) waiting for a table at a Chinese restaurant, on their way to see a special one-night showing of Ed Wood's infamous science fiction feature, Plan 9 from Outer Space. George tries to use the phone but it is constantly occupied, and Jerry recognizes a woman, but he is unsure where he has seen her before.
Jerry, George, and Elaine decide to eat dinner without a reservation at a Chinese restaurant before seeing a one-night showing of Plan 9 from Outer Space.[2] The maître d’hôtel (James Hong) repeatedly tells the party they will receive a table in “5, 10 minutes”. Besides having only a short time until the movie begins, they have other worries.
...After missing Tatiana’s call, George decides he's no longer in the mood for the movie, Elaine wants to leave and get a hamburger, and Jerry decides that he might as well have dinner with his uncle. As soon as they leave, the maître d’hôtel calls their party.
Wolf is simply an Communist ass with flatulent power.
Doesn’t matter, I will not be obeying any of his arbitrary “mandates”.