One side just stays at home waiting to be grabbed to go on a semi to a gulag or killed (like the Tibetans overrun by China).
Other side puts on lead lined sap gloves, bullet proof vests, helmets and visors and beats up diners at outdoor seating at restaurants, targets certain atms and expensive clothing and jewelry stores for looting, loots blocks of retail stores and then burns them down, pulls families out of their cars to beat them and headline says "rioters will not face prison." And media says it was "peaceful" and it is right that Trump and his family are starting their prison terms.
So was it not happening our didn't we "see that happening" because we weren't looking?
Author of Stop the Coming Civil War--Michael Savage said in 2019: "There already is a civil war but only one side is fighting it."
“Other side puts on lead lined sap gloves, bullet proof vests, helmets and visors and beats up diners at outdoor seating at restaurants,”
They have control of govt, law enforcement, military, and the majority of politicians, we don’t.
End of story.