A small price to pay to keep the Border Open, so we can continue the War On Drugs and the Money Flowing.
Just the way Dhimmicraps like it.
So Eff’d up
The important thing is that we reversed the rude tweet guy’s control of the border.
And it is the fault of these peoples themselves and their slothful and criminal unwillingness to do anything to change it. The success of The United States is not the reason for the failure of Latin America and I'm one American who is beyond fed and SICK TO DEATH of this s**t. Stories have abounded through the media for years of this pugnacious criminal invasion and destruction of our sovereignty, the flouting of our laws, the abuse of the social welfare system and the crimes committed by illegals that result in the deaths of American citizens everyday. And the horror stories of illegals roasting to death, having been abandoned by their traffickers in locked trailer trucks. That's how little the governments care about their own people. They're just human export capital to remit money back to the countries they ran away from. All of this invasion and dealing with the hordes arriving here is draining the Treasury and being laid at the feet of the American taxpayer. We're finished as a nation if this isn't stop and these cock roaches aren't kicked back over the border. This is our country, our home. Not some motel for every Third World mutt on the planet to barge into.