Since the most recent shortage began, there's been a lot more .40 available than 9mm, in my area at least. (I've even found 100 rounds each of brand new factory .40S&W & .45ACP at regular pre-panic prices! ;>) That fits with all of my previous experience, including the last run under Obama - no 9mm anywhere, but .40 was available, even at the local Walmart.
I've been recommending to people for years, "If you own a 9mm, check into getting the extra parts so you can run it as a .40" - that's a fairly simple/inexpensive conversion, with an awful lot of firearms. Having a spare top half in a different caliber, with appropriate mags, gives you options; it also might let you keep a firearm functioning, if you had a parts breakage issue. Just plain common sense to me, which is why I have several firearms that will run in different calibers.
The most common reaction to my suggestion was, "Why would I want to do that? It costs more to buy .40 than it does 9mm!" Even when you spell it out for people, most choose to remain clueless (which maybe explains a lot of the folks who vote D@mn-ocrat, also ;>)...
There might just be a lot of 9mm around if we get into a gun grab/tree watering Barackolypse.