I’m pretty sure that I wouldn’t get around to noticing that she didn’t have a mask, nor care.
Guy was a complete jackass from the get go.
“What’s that Sweetie?”
guy is a loser
I’d just pay for her coffee.
I met Angela Marsden over the weekend. She is the owner of the restaurant that had built an outdoor seating, was forced to close down and walking in to her restaurant one morning found a movie studio had bene given permission to build a 200 person outdoor cafeteria just feet away from her restaurant.
She is the owner of Pineapple Hill restaurant in Sherman Oaks, CA.
She has never done anything political and wasn’t really doing anyting much on the internet to drive her business.
Saw her two days in a row give a very impassioned speech.
We have been teasing each other online and she is quick witted.
Very beautiful woman and I am going down to have some food at her restaurant in a couple weeks.
Taking a couple friends with me to support her.