Frazier knocked Ali flat on his back in the 15th round pf their first fight. Frazier also knocked Ali down in the 11th round of that fight, with the referee calling it {falsely] a slip.
Ali fought Frazier three times and NEVER knocked Frazier down.
George Foreman knocked Frazier down to win the title from Frazier, but Ali never did.
Your vile Howard CoSELL was a shill whose job it was to sell the leftwing media product Ali.
CoSELL was as incompetent and poisonous as any leftwing puppet such as Chris Matthews, Rachel Maddow, Ezra Klein, Christiane Amanpour, Paul Krugman etc.
It is disgusting to observe the clueless swallow the lefty media's pathetic 'bait and switch' and actually parrot their lies out further.
Sorry, I should’ve been more specific. I knew that. People used to say that to me all the time since that is my name. I liked Joe.