It was a political blunder, not his first.
It had no real effect on anything on the ground in Texas.
Ted made it worse by obfuscating.
People need heroes. They need heroes at a time like this in Texas. They need leaders to be heroes that’s what leaders are expected to be, em what we hire them for
Hero not in a superhero sense but in the real sense of the word. Someone to follow for good reason
Could we all do what he did? Run away to the tropics with our family? Leaving the help behind to take care of the pets?
It was an ugly scene. It will stick in our minds. The opposite of the hero we need
If Texans don’t find a lot of dead hypothermia victims in the wake of this it will be a joke that will live on. If they do find that then Cruz will be run out
He will never live this down not because we are not judeochristian normal forgiving people but because he will continually mishandle this. He is as fine deaf as the guy who elbowed his wife In the eye on the world stage. Who went over the line to insult our beloved Trump