My grandson has already taken his test and scored a 93 which I understand to be very high so he is really considering all the offers that he is receiving. I am very worried for him.
Back in the day (’64) I aced every test, got four 96s where 96 was the max score. Was promised my choice of career field. Went in, through induction and all the testing then came “career day”. They sat me down with some sargeant who said your choices are IT, MP, or cook. I said MP (my dad was an MP). He said no, you don’t understand, your choices are IT, MP, or cook; in that order. I said, OK, MP.
He said, Son, you’re going to IT school. If you fail that you’ll go to MP school, if you fail that you’ll be a cook. Those are your choices, in that order, dismissed.
I got my choice, which was IT. I had no idea what IT was. Computers were only sci-fi in ‘64.
I understand, I want my son to get out but with the COVID/Biden the economy...?