The staff at time ragazine don’t expect to ever go to jail for promoting election fraud. The left is in control now, and the left will never put anyone in jail, where they belong, for colluding to steal an election.
The staff at time ragazine don’t expect to ever go to jail for promoting election fraud. The left is in control now, and the left will never put anyone in jail, where they belong, for colluding to steal an election.The government wants to disarm us after 244 yrs 'cuz they plan to do things we would shoot them for!Nailed it. Traitors are hanged, keeping the fraud going is quite literally a matter of life and death for a LOT of people in the media, C-level business leaders, elected politicians, and wannabes.
At no point in history has any government ever wanted its people to be defenseless for any good reason ~ nully's son
Nut-job Conspiracy Theory Ping!
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“Violence can only be concealed by a lie, and the lie can only be maintained by violence. Any man who has once proclaimed violence as his method is inevitably forced to take the lie as his principle.”
Alexander Solzhenitsyn