The ONE AND ONLY reason these races were (cough) "lost" is due to the machinations of
power-mad Democrats pulling off a number of collusive high-jinks for the sole purpose of grabbing power.
Democrats' frightening power-madness has become even more pronounced since the election.
Reining in Democrats is the biggest job Republicans face. Achieving this will be a challenge
but we, the people, must let Republicans know they will be amply rewarded by a grateful America.
“The ONE AND ONLY reason these races were (cough) “lost” is due to the machinations of...”
Cheating is a massive component, but it’s a mistake to leave out the Republican Party’s habit of (preference for?) fielding weak candidates few voters are the least bit excited about in their own right.
“Reining in Democrats is the biggest job Republicans face.”
I would offer an alternative to this. First of all, ‘republicans’ as it turns out are a part of the problem. The most important accomplishment of the trump administration was to expose these two face weasel republicans. But i think reining them in would be a mistake. That would only give them cover to push their agenda in secret again. A ‘fig leaf’ of representation as they screw down their fascism on the compliant populations. On the contrary, i hope that the republicans stay out of the way and allow the democrats to push the burning hulk of this current societal zeitgeist over the cliff and into a full on socialist utopia. Give americans a FULL MEASURE of Stalinist Maoism and see if that wakes them up.
To resist their agenda is to take it in the face. That’s exactly what they want. The smart play is to Pivot, Step aside from the punch, grab their arm, put your hand behind their shoulder and use their momentum to propel the face of evil into the wall.
But you have to want to kill it as badly as they want to kill you. Else it’s a waste of energy.