If they seize 401ks that will bring on revolution.
Every debt ridden country this century has experienced a currency crisis, Not if but when. Look at how those countries handled it, ( Argentina, Venezuela, Brazil, ....) nationalizing retirement funds. They started “ administering” pensions, retirement funds, ....the least evil ones did not out right take the money, but instead limited ( capped) withdrawals, i.e., allowed $1K, 2K , $500 Max per month in withdrawals....that said, we are not there just yet-
Wait till we experience our currency crisis, it has already started, our USD has dropped 12 percent last year (2020), we are at 89/90, add another 1.7 trillion next month gets the race to the bottom started...
If they seize 401ks that will bring on revolution.
I’m not even sure THAT would do it.