I had never heard of a consent decree for 1965. I hope to look deeper into it.
Keep pursuing and valuing TRUTH. Even when it hurts.
IT WAS RESCINDED IN 1982 DURING REAGAN...REPUBS COULD NOT CRY FRAUD EVEN IF THERE WAS FRAUD! That’s one of the reasons I suppose they are so so timid and scared shitless to this day about everything especially calling fraud in elections and DEMs feel so free to constantly do it, apparently!
For approx 20 years they were hands free to do it without possible recourse. And of course the secret money flowing back into their pockets from the ‘new world order’ hoods!
Always been super smart and dirty. They can never tell the TRUTH of their plans...TRUTH would bury them...who wants totalitarianism, communism and socialism...really?