The control over what a majority of citizens know has been nearly completed. Internally they have meetings discussing how they will control how people think in order to change society. You can see it happening if you watch. This is how the “Cancel Culture” works.
In DC, too...
If a tree falls in the forest and MSM and Social Media refuse to report on it, then it didn’t fall
Was similar when Gutenburg invented the printing press.
Powers that be act in ways that are part of human nature. The people in government are generally inclined to absolute control. The anti-federalists were right. Make a strong federal government, and it will destroy liberty.
It's not just a color revolution from within, it's not just a coup from without, it's not just a puppet-state installation of a zombie figurehead, but it is perfidy to subvert the Republic of the United States.
Some of these people have actually convinced themselves the US Constitution is unjust, and that this gives them carte blanche for "accelerationism", which is their absurd idea that old white men have been 'holding back' 'progress'.
I voluntarily blocked myself from Twitter.