Yeah, getting someone to do a legit trial on an off label use for a generic drug is a hard sell. Trials are expensive and mostly funded by the pharmaceutical industry, who can recover the cost if the drug is approved. For a drug like Ivermectin, you need a grant or a philanthropist to fund it, as there is no way to recover the cost. The study I linked to on Indomethacin (not Ivermectin) was funded by a philanthropist. Retrospective studies can be informative, or like the Retrospective HCQ study by Didier Raoult, they can be a joke. But they are not a replacement for a legit trial.
You could do trials for a fraction of what we spend as a society on NIH, CDC, and the like. Name their top three successes in all this. Why are we funding them? I really see them as largely useless in all this. Convince me otherwise.
That’s what happened with this particular study. A silicon valley tech bro I had never heard of started a fund to finance research into repurposing of off-label, existing FDA approved drugs for COVID. It looks like he hit pay dirt.
And thanks for the link to the Indomethacin. Adding it to the archve.