They’re avoiding animal testing because lab animals given SARS-type vaccs tend to die of ADE when a new but related viral strain come along.
I would say that a lot of people do not understand the human immune system, and that includes doctors. They think that every answer is a vaccine, but sometimes a vaccine can cause more problems.
God made our bodies pretty much self-sustaining as long as we get the proper nutrients.
SARS came along, I think in 2002 (or 3?), and in 2005 a research study was conducted which concluded that HCQ, zinc and an antibiotic could cure a SARS coronavirus infection. (SARS meaning Sudden Acute Respiratory Syndrome).
I have read a lot to figure out how I can keep my own immune system in great shape. Two years ago, I visited my daughter when the grandkids just had some sniffles. Within three days all five of her kids were fevering and vomiting. But because I know how to take care of my immune system, I did not get sick or even a sniffle and I visited them for nearly two weeks.
A vaccine can only help one virus or bacteria at a time. So, that means you have to have a vaccine for every virus and bacteria. That right there is an impossible task. Wouldn't it be a little more advantageous to try to understand the immune system and how it works and beef up what our immune system needs in order to do its job correctly?