IMHO, Rush's legacy will include, and big time, his series of CHildrens books,they are as good as it gets.
My VERY favorite calls ever on Rush’s show were the kids calling in about their Rush Revere books. They were SO excited and of course, Rush was loving it that they liked his books so much. When he would ask them what they liked the best, most of the kids liked “Liberty”, the talking horse. One little kid was saying how funny Liberty was ... even kids appreciated the humor so the books were well-written for them. I love Rush - he will leave a gaping hole in my life when he passes on & this is my way of keeping him “alive” with the younger generation who will never have the privilege of hearing him ‘live’. I think Rush would like the idea.
So, to digress a bit, in trying to figure out what to get my little great-nieces. Steve Bannon interviewed Larry Schweikert the other morning (FR’s LS) & that got me thinking ‘history’ & Rush’s books came to mind for the girls. Since Rush isn’t going to be here but so much longer, I figured I’d best get his books now. I managed to find all 5 - some were more expensive than others, but buying them “ala carte” was about $50 cheaper than buying them as a set. Rush doesn’t have them on his website any more ... have to get them from Amazon or the bookstores. One of the books wasn’t available until February (rats!), but I just got a shipping update this morning - it will be here before Christmas - yay!!
My little great-nieces are too young for the books right now, but maybe next Thanksgiving, the oldest will be able to understand most of “The Brave Pilgrims”. The girls are also horse lovers and since they live in the country, they have an actual horse. I can see both of them out in the field, trying to get ‘Val’ to talk to them, just like Liberty does. :-)