“Tell us why was Esper really fired. Itâs easy Trump fired Esper because he discovered that Esper ... [twenty words or less].”
I’ll believe it when I hear the words coming out of President Trumps mouth as to why He fired Secretary Esper. I’m not disputing the Presidents authority because he has it.He can fire anyone in his administration who does not meet his expectations. I wish the President was more up front with this information because he’s been very quiet lately.Too quiet.
The fact that the president is so quiet is probably because a lot of things are going on behind the scene. A carelessly spoken word can really hurt in court. If you are involved in a legal action, you need to be very careful about what you say. A good rule of thumb is there is nothing you can say that will help, but it sure can harm you.
Mr. Trump’s silence is probably golden, and a good sign, or ominous, depending on your perspective.