My best friend who I’ve known since I was 4 is a federal employee. His parents were teachers so he leaned democrat his whole life even after being in the Army.
A month ago we went to the gun range and he told me “I’ll never vote for a democrat the rest of my life. The shit they’ve been pulling the last couple years has me furious.”
He can’t be the only usually reliable dem voter switching this election.
A month ago we went to the gun range and he told me Ill never vote for a democrat the rest of my life.”
I was at a gun store in a blue state earlier today and it was packed with a diverse group of customers. Just an anecdotal observation but I am thinking its not an isolated phenomena and possibly an indication that people from all walks of life probably fear the radical agenda and what it means for their personal safety.
Its not a stretch to think that a lot of these folks will not be voting D.