Gonna be nearly impossible for Biteme to win the popular vote.
Based on just this calculation of blacks Trump +12-15%,
stay-at-home 5%.
Nationally that’s a number of about 4-5m DemoKKKrats.
Cankles won by 3m. Right there, Biteme would lose the popular vote.
Then there are the students. Looks like between 1-2m students won’t be voting this year.
Total pending shortfall: 5-7 MILLION before a single D voter (other than blacks) has voted for Trump.
Biteme should come in around 59m total votes, Trump 64-66.
Damn that’s good to hear, Larry! My biggest concern is the massive number of illegally cast ballots, especially in the swing states. Bob Creamer and Scott Foval don’t need to bus in or rent cars for people any longer. Plan B is their hired agitators and attorneys to create chaos post-election day. Haven’t heard whether the RNC has hired equal number of attorneys or the DOJ is on this?