I still don’t understand after all the billions/trillions? of money sent to the nations in Africa over decades why they can’t build self-sustaining economies and feed themselves. Yes, I know many countries are still tribal and have weak or totalitarian/tyrannical leaders, but Western world companies would be flooding them with investments if they could get their shit together. Yeah, there are a few African nations that work.
Too busy killing each other with machetes. I decided years ago that after those trillions (the “t” is accurate), since they’re still starving, let them starve.
It’s obviously the preferred state to sit on your ass, shrivel up and die in the dirt.
Draw borders that put half of France and Germany into the same nation and see how well that country works. Or how about all of Poland in Russia?
People here keep acting like African nations are some local creations and the people there are just too dumb to just make it work.
The more we send by essentially dumping it into their economy, the less they can develop their own local markets.
Oh, and that corruption and crime thing too.