Watch his rallies. In 2016 he had pulled out of Pennsylvania and was holding rallies In Michigan and Wisconsin. He already had PA wrapped up.
Clinton held rallies featuring known singers for concerts in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia in the last weeks before the election.
C’mon man. Why say stuff like that. Trump was in Pgh, PA on Sunday night before the election. We met and got pictures with Pence 3 days before that in Pittsburgh. Winning by 44K in PA is not having the place locked up. Trump even canceled his WI trip and went to MN before coming to Pittsburgh that Sunday night because campaign thought they had a better chance in MN. They were throwing everything on the wall hoping something would stick. Virtually no one on Trumps campaign, including Trump, thought he was going to win. Remember Hillary did not have a concession speech prepared and Trump didn’t have a victory speech prepared either. Trump was surprised as everyone else on election night.