This is another example of WINNING!
It's something I never understood why we didn't do it long ago.
Why let actual Chinese Communust Party members come here and work, study, become residents or citizens.
Never made sense.
From Hong Kong Free Press
US bans communist party members from immigration
15:21, 5 OCTOBER 2020
Washington has decided to bar Communist Party members from immigrating into the country, according to new policy guidance issued by the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) last Friday.
The USCIS announced that anyone who is or has been a member of or affiliated with a Communist or totalitarian party cannot immigrate to America. The agency said the policy was part of a broader set of laws passed by the Congress to address threats to the safety and security of the country.
Convince me that we should take the risk of letting these people into our country. They do not share our values concerning property, liberty, freedom, etc.
Keep the Commies AND the Muslims out. The only alternative is then to kill them one at a time after they have been let in. And the people who let them in.
America closes immigration door to 91.9 million communists in China
They made their bed, especially he higher up echelons, now it is time to sleep in it and enjoy the crap they have been cooking up.
China immigration is what has been pushing up CA real estate since the 80’s.
There are whole neighborhoods now in the Bay Area near the Apple Complex where signs are in Chinese.
Schools teach Chinese as a 2nd language.
shouldn’t it be something like 1.3 billion?
The one thing we don’t need to import from anywhere is communists. We got plenty of the domestic variety here, and they’re sniffing at power.
Why not all Chinese? Anyone of them, regardless of their better intentions is subject to ummm, pressure, applied by the threat of or actual overt harm to their family members back in the old country.
Say, it turns out your mother is a near exact tissue match to a polit bureau member who needs a new heart, we can keep looking for a better match if you do this one little thing for us...
Happy days are hear again MAGA
Go Trump!
“Why let actual Chinese Communust Party members come here and work, study, become residents or citizens.”
The original thinking was that once people became relatively wealthy that they would replace the communist government with an elected government. It was a different try at nation building. But, the CCP adapted much faster than expected and has survived and thrived. Also, it didn’t help that previous presidents let the CCP skate on prison camps and slave labor. I am sure that the fantastic profitability helped. People like Diane Feinstein and others have made literal fortunes off dealing with the CCP, so there was plenty of support in Congress to go along. Previous presidents seemed to want to globalize everything at the expense of the American citizens. With Trump, all that changed. If we end up with Biden it will be back to business as usual.
The best news about China since we found out the Three Gorges dam might break...
Good for America.
Now we just have to deal with all the Communists that are already here.