I dont take this statment as being a defensive position. It is a statment of fact.
I truly despise Fox News
Trump needs to get his position out clearly. The way he speaks, with sentence fragments, and non-specific references can be interpreted by the press any way that they want.
“Defense”? I doubt it, this has been coming a long time and the ILLEGAL leaking was a given. I characterize this more as a finger given to the NYT and its LEFTist cohorts!
Waiting for CNNABCBSNBC blaming Congress in three, two, one ... never.
He did what every other business person did and LEGALLY according to the tax laws. How many have been taking money under the table from our enemies, enriching themselves on the back of taxpayers for years (mostly Demonrats) and now it’s a problem because the President did it?? I wanna see tax returns for every sleezy, corrupt politician right and left......but I dream
Boy, fox news is on a tear today.
On defense? About what, this Vegan nothing burger?
Accept their smear, law-breaking and dirty tactics or get accused of being “on the defense.”
These people have no place in civilized society. I’m thinking the middle of the Pacific would be a better home for them... as shark bait.
In all the reports I’ve yet to see anything illegal in what he did.
I’d bet big bucks that none of the media bastards even mention that the president takes no salary but donates his salary to the VA, National Park Service, etc.
Stop watching them. Boycott their advertisers.
the tax code has been used as a weapon against people and if the politicians leave in ways to lower someone’s taxes, its deliberate
they know exactly what they do with the tax code
they have no moral or legitimate position to b1tch about anyone using those ways to reduce a tax bill, they either put them in on purpose or left them out on purpose
because they all use them, whichever ones apply to them
to single out another leader formusing the same ones they do is the height of hypocrisy, they know it, and enemedia gives them cover by omitting all of this
As far as I’m concerned, credits are a form of payment. There is an industry that monetizes federal tax credits to develop affordable housing. Banks and insurance companies invest billions every year under the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program.
There’s also a federal Historic Tax Credit program to incentivize re-development of historic buildings. Trump would have received HTC on his post office redevelopment (Trump Hotel) in Washington. The credit is 20% of eligible costs and the credit used to be available in the year the building is placed in service. Trump’s tax plan changed the credit recognition over a 5 year period verses all in the year placed in service.
time to bring out all the dirt on the dems and justice dept .. take the emphasis off Trump and put it on the left.
EVERYONE finds loopholes to try to pay less taxes..everyone does it, but hey, gotta love the phony outrage
Fox News in defense after Trump rightfully calls them out on their biased and shoddy reporting.
Wonder why they don’t investigate Hunter Biden’s income tax returns and the sources of his income. How about the abuses of the Clinton Foundation. Why nothing on them?
Trump should claim that he got a great big write-off deduction for the underwear he donated.