Trump is strong in South Carolina. Graham has better chances because of the President.
Graham’s opponent Jaime Harrison has wall to wall ads on everywhere here in SC. I’ve heard maybe 1 or 2 from Graham and they see very low key. He has not appeared anywhere-did not appear at the last Rep ladies mtg. He said he was not feeling well.
To me he does not look well so there might be more than just a lack of energy.
Graham refuses to come on to local talk shows. They regularly berate him so that might be why.
My area in upstate SC is turning blue because so many people from NY/Penn and NJ are moving in. I hear them come on to talk radio and complain about the “rednecks here” and so many Baptist churches on every corner. The ones I have talked to in my neighborhood have put out their Biden signs.
I also saw 3 cars with CA plates on them rolling down a country road stopping and looking at houses for sale.