Sorry, we need to keep the Senate.
Don’t hand the Rats a Senate Seat because you dislike Linseed.
Don’t want to go back to 2016, but I’ll type what I said back then anyway.
You Vote for your Candidate in the Primary and you Vote for your Party’s Candidate in the General.
It’s a numbers game, simple as that. Chuck the Schmuck and his band of DEMONcRATS has to be kept in the Minority.
Sorry, we need to keep the Senate.
Dont hand the Rats a Senate Seat because you dislike Linseed.
Dont want to go back to 2016 but Ill type what I said back then anyway.
You Vote for your Candidate in the Primary and you Vote for your Partys Candidate in the General.
We needed the White House in 2016, too. And how did Lindsey vote? Graham refused to support POTUS to the benefit of Hillary Criminal and her SCOTUS.
If Graham’s chickens come home to roost in 2020 he has only himself to blame.