I honestly dont think a lot of Joe’s supporters are going to show up or bother to vote. They may “say” they support him when polled, but come election day.. it’s going to slip their mind and they will never get around to it.
That’s what the post office and the ballot harvesters are for.
The lack of enthusiasm for Biden is why the Dems must have mail in voting. Going to the polls is way too much effort to vote for Biden.
You may be right but we can't count on it! We need every vote. We don't need to do a purity test on our fellow Trump supporters. Libertarians, disillusioned Dems, repentant never Trumpers, gay and straight, all need to be welcomed! If they support Trump we need their vote! Trump is the nation's leader. We sort out those who are under the tent after the election. We don't have to worry about Trump's ideology. I have heard “this is the most important election ever” many times, but this one truly is! If we let this bunch of Communist rats gain power our country as we know it is gone!