The only thing that will happen is you'll end up dead.The people there are savages.
Why won't you accept this?
Would you go to a tribe of headhunters and pick a fight with them?
Why won't you listen to what they're saying?
THEY REFUSE TO ACCEPT THE RULE OF LAW.Check out the comments on this episode.
They say that they have every right to control the streets, and that people with opposing viewpoints must be killed.
What's the next step?
Do you become savages YOURSELVES and carry out hit-and-run raids?THAT'S WHAT'S HAPPENING IN MEXICO.
Why is it so important to show the flag in a foreign country full of insane savages?
If the city wants to die, LET IT.
Don't go there and get killed.
These are not your fellow citizens.They've resigned from the human race.
AGAIN, read their comments.
Going into their midst to argue with them is as crazy as what THEY'RE doing.
Tell me what you hope to accomplish. I'm all ears.
I get that you want to mess with them.
BEYOND that.If all you want to do is rumble with the crazies, then I can't talk you out of it.
But you ABSOLUTELY do not represent me.
In fact if your goal is to rile them up, then you're just as bad as they are.
Since you can't communicate with them, tell me why you're doing this.IT'S NOT PATRIOTIC.
You're not cops.
You're not guarding anything.
You're not preventing anything.
You're what's called a "catalyst."
How are you helping anyone?Your motivation is entirely selfish and counterproductive.
Trump stopped the Kenosha rioting in one night.
If Portland refuses to stop the rioting, THAT IS THAT.
The businesses will leave, and Portland will become Mogadishu.
The voters have to LEARN THE HARD WAY.The dead guy certainly didn't expect to die.
And the "protestors" are outraged that the cops stopped them from illegally walking in the streets.
Don't be as insane as the people you claim to oppose.
Show some goddam self-discipline.
THAT is what the country needs.
The lefties claim he was causing trouble. If so, it would be hilarious if he was an ANTIFA Agent Provocateur.
Patriot Prayer is called a far right group by the media. Is any group ever called far left or even left?
Would you go to a tribe of headhunters and pick a fight with them?
Your premise is wrong. Therefore your entire argument is invalid.