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Corporate Media Didn’t Report What It’s Really Like In Kenosha, Wisconsin, So I Will
The Federalist ^ | Aug. 30, 2020 | Evita Duffy

Posted on 08/30/2020 11:12:01 AM PDT by libstripper

Edited on 08/30/2020 12:06:23 PM PDT by Admin Moderator. [history]

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To: crz

Have to noticed the corrupt press and corrupt FBI are more concerned about the one 17 year old kid than about the rioters, looters and thugs who did hundreds of millions of dollars worth of damage and killed scores of citizens? THE THUGS WANT US TO FIGHT BACK IN ANGER SO THEY CAN DESTROY TRUMP. DON’T GIVE THEM THAT...

21 posted on 08/30/2020 11:51:04 AM PDT by GOPJ (Democrats and their butt boys in the press are snakes in the grass - mob rule, violence, destruction)
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To: crz

Have YOU noticed the corrupt press and corrupt FBI are more concerned about the one 17 year old kid than about the rioters, looters and thugs who did hundreds of millions of dollars worth of damage and killed scores of citizens? THE THUGS WANT US TO FIGHT BACK IN ANGER SO THEY CAN DESTROY TRUMP. DON’T GIVE THEM THAT...

22 posted on 08/30/2020 11:51:21 AM PDT by GOPJ (Democrats and their butt boys in the press are snakes in the grass - mob rule, violence, destruction)
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To: libstripper
A woman, who said she has lived in Kenosha for over 40 years, broke down in tears saying that her city felt like a “war zone” and she was “terrified”.

That's because it IS a war zone.

People need to wake up to the fact that it's already started.

23 posted on 08/30/2020 11:51:39 AM PDT by metmom (...fixing our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith.)
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To: crz

They showed up in Sturgis at the Bike Rally? I bet they didn’t stay long though? I can not imagine the bikers putting up with them.

24 posted on 08/30/2020 11:54:07 AM PDT by Kaslin
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Dont back down! Understand? Do that and that will embolden them to do more mayhem.

It is YOUR/OUR community. Defend it no matter what.

25 posted on 08/30/2020 11:56:06 AM PDT by crz
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To: Kaslin

It is on the youtube..

26 posted on 08/30/2020 11:56:33 AM PDT by crz
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To: crz

This rural area has a river and a big lake-some well-off townies own/rent waterfront Summer homes-we also have tourists bringing canoes and boats to the lake and river-if they trespass, poach, bother anyone’s livestock, etc they are usually dealt with/sent away at gunpoint by the property owner before the sheriff deputies even arrive-no intelligent person here is unarmed when confronting a stranger-rioters would be fresh meat if they managed to get past the main FM road...

27 posted on 08/30/2020 12:01:28 PM PDT by Texan5 ("You've got to saddle up your boys, you've got to draw a hard line"...)
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Moreover, the police depts are overwhelmed in these communities. So it comes down to the CITIZENS of those communities to defend themselves.

We aint letting any Glen Beck ideals that allow these assholes to destroy those communities.

28 posted on 08/30/2020 12:01:33 PM PDT by crz
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To: Texan5

Dam straight. And thats the way it should be.

29 posted on 08/30/2020 12:02:50 PM PDT by crz
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To: Kaslin

“They showed up in Sturgis at the Bike Rally? I bet they didn’t stay long though? I can not imagine the bikers putting up with them.”

Hopefully, they never left.

30 posted on 08/30/2020 12:03:20 PM PDT by The Antiyuppie (When small men cast long shadows, then it is very late in the day.)
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To: caseinpoint

What in the hell do car dealerships do with that many cars this SAME BS happened when Obammie was POTUS he STARTED this racial division in this country after the 60’s we were headed in right direction there was no longer a NEED for affirmative action, OBastard as the FIRST BLACK POTUS did more to racially divide this country than ever dreamed possible I despise this SCUM of a man!! With the MSM and universities touting this never ending BS I am skeptical we can fix this other than to just let black THUGS run loose in these neighborhoods and let the citizens of the neighborhoods take care of it themselves!! There will come a point where the citizens will have had ENOUGH and will arm themselves and take these THUGS out!!

31 posted on 08/30/2020 12:05:29 PM PDT by Trump Girl Kit Cat (Yosemite Sam raising hell)
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To: Diana in Wisconsin

From Marinette County. Have a lot of my family there and cousins all over the state. Milwaukee, Stevens Point, Wausau, Eau Clare, Wisconsin Rapids, Rhinelander, Waukesha, Green Bay, and other places I cant remember now. OH, Howards Grove.

32 posted on 08/30/2020 12:07:07 PM PDT by crz
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To: crz
Smaller cities and county seats should clearly state a no exceptions policy on street violence and unlicensed demonstrations. Coordination with PD’s and Sheriffs departments can be done quietly.

Or there is the Leander Perez approach. In 1965/66 civil rights groups targeted Plaquemines Parish, the home of the floridly segregationist Judge Leander Perez for mass marches and demonstrations. Judge Perez bought a brinks type armored truck, tricked it out with sir horns, whistles and a voice amplification system as well as installing loop hole firing ports at the same time he sent convicts to cut back brush around one of the defunct coast artillery forts on the river and installed steel gates, concertina wire and sentry boxes along with exterior flood lights. Then he invited the MSM to a show and tell session featuring his war wagon growling and blaring and moving with ominous deliberation, then it was off to the fort to view a real dungeon. One press guy said that and the Judge replied that it was a bit like the ‘Count of Monte Cristo’. After that the thoroughly sweat soaked press were invited to a repast at the court house featuring local cuisine. The Judge left early but told the press boys they were always welcome in his parish, just check in first.

This travelogue was shown on CBS evening news. Interestingly there were no large and almost no demonstrations in Plaquimines during freedom Summer. Once a small group got a permit and waved signs in front of the courthouse. The Judge suddenly appeared in his signature immaculate white linen suit and white Stetson being affability himself. Telling the small group that the police in the pickup truck that had pulled in had ice water for any who were thirsty and left after saying he hoped they sampled some of the tasty local cuisine before leaving.

33 posted on 08/30/2020 12:08:01 PM PDT by robowombat (Orthodox)
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To: metmom

Kyle has shined a light for us. God bless that young man. Now get prepared!

34 posted on 08/30/2020 12:09:39 PM PDT by Tommy Revolts
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To: Trump Girl Kit Cat

Have contingency plans. Many years ago I was involved in the response to a collapsed dam flooding our valley. Almost immediately farmers and ranchers out of the area of danger volunteered to take animals from those threatened by the flood. I would think a car dealership might consider finding a place or places where cars can be stashed until it calms down. For example, I could shelter a few cars on my driveway and street. I just think people with a lot to lose should think of possible ways to protect themselves rather than remain absolutely naked to the violence and malevolence. I realize there are insurance issues and so forth but I think people should start thinking the unthinkable before it catches up to them.

35 posted on 08/30/2020 12:10:42 PM PDT by caseinpoint (Don't get thickly involved in thin things.)
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To: crz
Police departments in these communities were NOT overwhelmed - they were told to stand down.

Democrat mayors REFUSED help from the National Guard. They slammed Trump for sending in the Fegs to protect a Federal Courthouse from being destroyed.


NOT ONE thug riot took hold in Red States because OUR Governors did NOT allow riots to happen.

YOU crz can contact any George Soros funded group and tell them you're a right winger ready to fight and kill if necessary. They'll pay your way there, give you walking around money, and preposition bricks and guns for you BECAUSE YOU'LL BE WORKING FOR THEIR SIDE. All theses cities have to do is accept help from Trump, call the police departments in cities around them (for help) or encourage their own citizens to protect themselves. Democrat mayors WANT the HELLHOLE because it will get Biden elected. DON'T HELP BIDEN.

36 posted on 08/30/2020 12:12:12 PM PDT by GOPJ (Democrats and their butt boys in the press are snakes in the grass - mob rule, violence, destruction)
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To: libstripper

Roving convoys of armed, experienced rioters supported by senior government, popular media, and wealthy funders. And everybody but the victims is pretending it isn’t happening.

37 posted on 08/30/2020 12:21:04 PM PDT by Billthedrill
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To: libstripper



The only thing that will happen is you'll end up dead.

The people there are savages.

Why won't you accept this?

Would you go to a tribe of headhunters and pick a fight with them?

Why won't you listen to what they're saying?

Check out the comments on this episode.

They say that they have every right to control the streets, and that people with opposing viewpoints must be killed.

What's the next step?

Do you become savages YOURSELVES and carry out hit-and-run raids? 

Why is it so important to show the flag in a foreign country full of insane savages?


If the city wants to die, LET IT.

Don't go there and get killed.

These are not your fellow citizens. 
They've resigned from the human race.

AGAIN, read their comments.

Going into their midst to argue with them is as crazy as what THEY'RE doing.

Tell me what you hope to accomplish. I'm all ears.

I get that you want to mess with them.

BEYOND that. 
If all you want to do is rumble with the crazies, then I can't talk you out of it.

But you ABSOLUTELY do not represent me.

In fact if your goal is to rile them up, then you're just as bad as they are.

Since you can't communicate with them, tell me why you're doing this. 

You're not cops.

You're not guarding anything.

You're not preventing anything.

You're what's called a "catalyst."

How are you helping anyone? 
Your motivation is entirely selfish and counterproductive.

Trump stopped the Kenosha rioting in one night.

If Portland refuses to stop the rioting, THAT IS THAT.

The businesses will leave, and Portland will become Mogadishu.

The voters have to LEARN THE HARD WAY. 
The dead guy certainly didn't expect to die.

And the "protestors" are outraged that the cops stopped them from illegally walking in the streets.

Don't be as insane as the people you claim to oppose.

Show some goddam self-discipline.

THAT is what the country needs.



38 posted on 08/30/2020 12:23:05 PM PDT by Bratch (If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.)
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“Democrat mayors REFUSED help from the National Guard. They slammed Trump for sending in the Fegs to protect a Federal Courthouse from being destroyed.”

You need to get your head right smack out of your ass. True the cops were told to stand down at the start, but they are now OVERWHELMED. I wont continue to argue with a mindless twit who fails to understand that since these people in these communities are now left to their own devices. The cops in some of these communities have said so openly.

Wont accept federal help? Wouldnt let the police do their jobs at the start? Then it up to the locals to take action.

39 posted on 08/30/2020 12:23:55 PM PDT by crz
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To: Bratch

The lefties claim he was causing trouble. If so, it would be hilarious if he was an ANTIFA Agent Provocateur.

40 posted on 08/30/2020 12:30:43 PM PDT by PLMerite ("They say that we were Cold Warriors. Yes, and a bloody good show, too." - Robert Conquest)
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