Without such a vaccination, what replaced Christianity in Europe may well do the same in America.
Ironic statement coming from a man who contributes to the demise of the nation as much as anyone else by denying Christ and having a velvet tongue to make it sound so appealing. This is what a world without Christ looks like, Dennis. What do you think?
I have heard Dennis make several statements at Prager U which lead me to wonder if he hasn’t accepted Yeshua/Jesus as his Lord and Savior. At times I wonder if he hasn’t accepted Christ but has yet to admit it to himself.
Yes, it’s Prager we should attack. By all means.
So when shall we start the pogrom?
I believe you are greatly overstating his influence in the demise. While Prager remains an observant Jew, he frequently acknowledges the peace and order provided to society at large by Christianity as a social norm, as he did in this article and many others. His exegesis of Western Civs foundational legal principles in the Ten Commandments and the Genesis view of marriage are excellent.
There is a Biblical case to be made for a remnant of Jews to remain steadfast in their ancient faith until the return of the Messiah to Jerusalem.