“I never understand all this controversy over Hydroxychloroquine.”
Fauci never said the Ford study didn’t show success. He said the way the study was done, could effect the outcome. The main issue with the study, Fauci said, is that the study was not a randomized, double-blind study which is considered “the gold standard” in science. In other words, doctors carefully selected who received the treatment, which could skew the results.
anecdotal evidence that it has worked for some patients.”
anecdotal evidence is evidence collected in a casual or informal manner and relying heavily or entirely on personal testimony. They are looking for a vaccine, not a crap shoot. And the drug has a history of side effects. And whose to say the people got well and the drug had nothing to do with it. A vast majority do.
“...perhaps because Trump had said we should use it.”
Trump never said to use it. He said the tests have shown promise. But not confirmed yet for C-19 with the correct tests being accomplished.
Hydroxychloroquine is in a class of medications that was first used to prevent and treat malaria. Today, it is used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, some symptoms of lupus, childhood arthritis (or juvenile idiopathic arthritis) and other autoimmune diseases.
If a doctor wishes to prescribe it for C-19, he could be putting his shingle in the wind. The FDA did revoke the emergency use of it in mid June this year. They have not cleared the drug for C-19 use and it has a history of creating heart rhythm problems and other safety issues, including blood and lymph system disorders, kidney injuries, and liver problems and failure according to the FDA.
Until they can prove it works, and with the baggage it harbors, I wouldn’t want it unless I was dying, period. But it is a cleared drug to use for other illnesses, so if a doctor wishes to proscribe it, it’s his and the patient’s gamble. Law suites to follow if it goes wrong.
So what of the doctors who say they have had success using it against this virus? Are they all wrong? Do they think HCQ was what helped their patients, but they are mistaken about that?