No, you would not have done a thing, like the rest of the people standing around. Nobody knew what was happening, all they saw was a black woman and a white woman getting it on.
If you get involved in that, you’re going to investigated and then you’re going to be sued, so all those other people did the right thing, just ignore it. Two two white women, maybe intervene, two black women maybe, but not a black woman and a white woman. That make sense?
It wasn’t simply a black woman and a white woman, it was an old woman with a cane, 1/3rd the size of the angry water buffalo, who was now on the ground probably screaming in pain.
A brainless dolt might not “know what was happening.”
Spoken in complete ignorance. You definitely don't know me.
Personally I think it would be a lot more likely that I'd be facing criminal charges than a lawsuit. Even so, what you say makes sense only if I cared about any of that. I don't.
It all began with the fear of lawyers. America has 4.5% of the world’s population but 70& of the world’s lawyers. That’s over 15 times our allotment per capita.
I think it was the woman suing McDonald’s for coffee being hot that began the problem.
Constant video surveillance and facial recognition have exacerbated the problem.
Technology, from the advent of radio to the present day, will be the downfall of humanity.
It will take complete downfall, back to 19th-century ways of living, to reset society’s way of thinking. We need to be spending 18 hours per day of hard labor on food, water, and shelter to stop people from worrying so much about what everyone else is doing or not doing.