Harris' constituency is low information voters who are only looking for demographic checkboxes. She's the default if everyone else falls through.
Rice's constituency is the Obama administration, and by virtue of that, also NeverTrump. She doesn't bring any states into play, but she brings the Obama electoral machine and the reassurance by the establishment that the socialists won't ruin their old order.
Bass's constituency is the BLM activists. In battleground states like Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, and Minnesota, an inspired black activist vote could be the difference between a narrow win and a disappointing loss.
Brilliant answer. Thanks.
OTOH, Bass brings in the Wokesters, but freaks out the established Democrat machine for being pro-rioter and pro-Scientology. Lots of baggage there.
If that's right, then he really sorta has to go with Harris, no? She's black so she brings the low information voters, but she was also a real law-and-order establishment type so she pleases the establishment. She'll tick off the Wokesters but she's still solidly two out of three.
It's a tough call. Biden's in a tough spot, methinks.
I suppose he couldn't even consider Warren or Whitmer at this point because they're white?